In the past few weeks I’ve written about interview mistakes, interview questions and how to get your dream job… but what about your resume? Your resume is...
Ever since I started setting goals back in 2001 my life has changed dramatically. I’ve travelled the world. I’ve moved countries. I’ve changed careers. I’ve completed...
It’s not chance, fate, luck or anything else that determines your destiny. It’s your decisions. Your decisions determine everything about your life: What you do Where...
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve written about interview mistakes and difficult interview questions. But how do you actually get the job you want though?...
Job interviews can be tough… Damn tough. Anyone can answer the easy interview questions… but what about the HARD ones? “What is your greatest weakness?” “What don’t...
After working in the recruitment industry for over 8 years and having interviewed hundreds of candidates face to face, over the phone and via Skype, I’ve...
This article is about my journey from Christian to non-Christian, believer to unbeliever. Regardless of what you think about God, Jesus, Christianity, or religion, I ask you to put...
I always thought that logic, reason, and the scientific method was everything. As far as I was concerned: Logic = truth and the more logical it...
Sometimes it's not what you do - but what you STOP doing that counts...
Public Speaking has always been my greatest fear. My biggest phobia and least favorite thing. I’ve always hated and feared it with a passion ever since I...