This article is a summary of strategies and tips from the Calling Bullshit course by University of Washington professors Carl T. Bergstrom and Jevin West which...
In this article the mistakes we make in our thinking about history: Hindsight bias Postdiction Historians fallacy Presentism Chronological snobbery Golden age fallacy Let’s begin: Hindsight...
Weren’t we supposed to have flying cars by now? This article is both a critical examination and funny look back at so many hilariously wrong future...
In this article I’m going to explain the four different types of reasoning: Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning Abductive reasoning Conductive reasoning You might have heard of...
In this article 21 heuristics you need to know: Availability heuristic Attribute substitution Anchoring and adjustment Affect heuristic Contagion heuristic Effort heuristic Familiarity heuristic Fluency heuristic...
How popular are your beliefs? Do most people think like you or do they think differently? In this article we’ll explore these questions and more using...
In this article I’ll expose seven linguistic tricks people use to deceive you: Kafka trap Proof by verbosity Gish gallop Doublespeak Weasel words Thought-terminating cliché Deepities...
In this article you’ll learn: Why you shouldn’t wait for the perfect idea Why: “If you don’t like it, you can leave!” is bullshit Why evolution is not...
Isn’t it annoying when you’re in an argument or discussion with someone, they say something you know isn’t right, but you can’t quite put your finger...
In my last article I took a critical look at the teachings of Jesus, in this article I’ll extend that to the Bible itself. As a...